Can Chickens Eat Kiwi? Health Benefits and What Other Fruits can Eat?

Welcome to the world of poultry nutrition, where the question “Can chickens eat kiwi?” piques the interest of many backyard flock owners. Chickens, known for their eclectic appetites, might leave you wondering about the compatibility of this exotic fruit with their diet. Kiwi, renowned for its tangy sweetness and a bounty of nutrients, presents itself as a potential treat. This article aims to provide clarity on whether it’s safe to introduce kiwi into your chickens’ diet, highlighting the potential benefits and risks to help you make an informed decision for your feathered friends.

Can Chickens Eat Kiwi?

Yes, chickens can eat kiwi. Kiwi is safe for chickens in moderation, as it can provide them with additional vitamins and minerals. However, it’s important to remember that while offering treats like kiwi is fine, the majority of a chicken’s diet should consist of balanced chicken feed to ensure their overall health and well-being.

Can Chickens Eat Kiwi Skin and Seeds?

Yes, chickens can eat kiwi skin and seeds, but there are some considerations to keep in mind:

Kiwi Skin:

Chickens can consume the skin of kiwi, including the fuzzy outer layer. However, some chickens might be more hesitant to eat the skin due to its texture. You can offer kiwi with the skin and observe whether your chickens eat it. If they seem to prefer just the inner fruit, you can remove the skin before feeding it to them.

Kiwi Seeds:

Kiwi seeds are small and generally not a problem for chickens to eat. Chickens have strong digestive systems that can handle small seeds. Kiwi seeds also offer a source of dietary fiber, which can be beneficial for their digestion.

Slicing and Size:

To prevent choking hazards, it’s advisable to slice kiwi into smaller, bite-sized pieces before offering them to your chickens. This also makes it easier for chickens to consume the fruit, skin, and seeds without any issues.

Introduction and Observation:

As with any new food, introduce kiwi to your chickens gradually. Observe their reactions and make sure they are eating the entire fruit comfortably. If you notice any adverse reactions or digestive problems, it’s best to discontinue offering Kiwi.


Offering kiwi with the skin and seeds adds variety to your chickens’ diet, which can contribute to their overall nutritional intake and mental enrichment.

Can Chickens Eat Kiwi Berries?

Yes, chickens can eat kiwi berries. Kiwi berries, also known as “hardy kiwi” or “mini kiwi,” are small-sized kiwi fruits that have smooth, edible skin and are about the size of a grape. These berries are a popular choice among chickens and can be offered as a treat in moderation.

Kiwi berries generally have a sweeter taste compared to regular kiwi fruit and are often eaten whole, including the skin and seeds. Their smaller size makes them a convenient treat for chickens, as they can easily consume them without the need for slicing.

Health Benefits for Chickens:

Vitamin C Boost:

Kiwi is renowned for its remarkable vitamin C content. This essential nutrient plays a vital role in supporting chickens’ immune systems. Just like in humans, vitamin C helps chickens combat infections, recover from illnesses, and maintain overall immune health. By including kiwi in their diet, you’re providing a natural source of this important vitamin that can contribute to their well-being.

Digestive Aid:

The dietary fiber present in kiwi can be advantageous for chickens’ digestive systems. Fiber helps regulate bowel movements and prevent digestive issues like constipation. It also supports a healthy gut environment by providing nourishment to beneficial gut bacteria, promoting balanced digestion and nutrient absorption.

Nutrient Diversity:

Kiwi isn’t just rich in vitamin C; it also contains other vital nutrients. Vitamin K, for example, plays a role in blood clotting and bone health in chickens. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that supports the immune system and can contribute to healthier skin and feathers. Potassium, an electrolyte, aids in maintaining proper fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions.

Feather and Skin Health:

The combination of vitamins and antioxidants in kiwi can have positive effects on chickens’ skin and feather health. Vitamin E, for instance, supports skin health and feather condition, leading to improved overall appearance. Healthy feathers are not only aesthetically pleasing but also serve as effective insulation and protection against the elements.

Antioxidant Benefits:

Kiwi is packed with antioxidants, including vitamin C and other phytochemicals. These antioxidants help counteract oxidative stress in chickens’ bodies, which can arise from various sources, including metabolic processes and exposure to environmental pollutants. Reducing oxidative stress may contribute to long-term health and disease prevention.

Variety in Diet:

Introducing treats like kiwi into a chicken’s diet adds diversity to their meals. This variety can stimulate their senses and provide mental enrichment, promoting a more fulfilling and engaging lifestyle. Offering treats also mirrors the natural foraging behavior of chickens, helping keep them mentally and physically active.

Hydration Support:

Kiwi’s high water content can be especially beneficial during hot weather or periods of increased activity. While water is the primary source of hydration for chickens, offering foods with high water content, like kiwi, can provide an extra source of moisture to help prevent dehydration.

What Other Fruits Chickens Can Eat?


Apples are a favorite among chickens. They’re a good source of vitamins and fiber, promoting digestive health and providing a variety of nutrients.

Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries):

Berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins. They offer a sweet treat while contributing to chickens’ overall health.


This hydrating fruit can be a refreshing snack for chickens, especially during hot weather. It contains vitamins and water, aiding in hydration.


Bananas provide potassium and energy, and their soft texture makes them easy for chickens to eat.


Pears offer dietary fiber and a range of vitamins. They can be sliced for chickens to enjoy.


Pumpkin is nutritious and can be offered both raw and cooked. It’s a good source of vitamins and can support digestive health.

Melons (Cantaloupe, Honeydew):

Like watermelon, these melons are hydrating and contain vitamins, offering a juicy and nutritious treat.


Grapes are small and easy for chickens to eat. They provide a quick source of energy and antioxidants.


While oranges are safe in moderation, their strong citrus scent might deter some chickens. They contain vitamin C and can be given as an occasional treat.


Peaches offer vitamins and minerals. Remove the pit before offering, and make sure to avoid overripe fruit.


Mango is nutrient-rich, providing vitamins A and C. It should be peeled and the flesh offered.


Cherries can be offered without the pits. They’re a source of antioxidants and vitamins.


Cranberries are beneficial for urinary health. You can offer fresh or dried cranberries as a treat.


Plums provide vitamins and fiber. Remove the pit before offering it to the chickens.

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